Press & Events

PICCOLO Project Kickoff Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, January 2017

For PICCOLO's kick-off meeting, representatives from all nine partners met at the co-ordinator’s premises at Tecnalia, Bilbao. As this was our first meeting, we spent time over viewing the project aims, refining the requirements of our combined MPT/OCT/Fluorescence/ white light endoscope probe, planning the clinical tests on colon tissue, what types of colon polyps most need the extra analysis that our endoscope will provide, and how to inform the public of the benefits they will receive. Some partners presented background work in related fields, which they will continue to develop during what looks like a productive EU project.

Next meeting will be held at Tyndall in Cork, Ireland in June, 2017.

Partners attending were: Tecnalia (coordinators, image analysis), Karl Storz (endscope manufacturer), Tyndall (OCT laser research), M2Lasers (MPT laser research), Light4Tech (optical system integration), CCMIJU (animal tissue clinical testing), Imperial College (human tissue clinical testing), BIOEF (ethics and regulatory issues) and LENS (technical roadmap).


PICCOLO Project Kickoff Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, January 2017
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